πŸ“¦ Volumes

A Volume is a highly-available, scalable, and SSD-based block storage for Servers.

Pricing for Volumes depends on the Volume size and Location, not the actual used storage.

Please see Hetzner Docs for more details about Volumes.

Get all Volumes

Gets all existing Volumes that you have available.

HetznerCloudClient hetznerCloudClient = new HetznerCloudClient("ApiKey");

// Get All
List<Volume> listVolume = await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Get();

Get a Volume

Gets a specific Volume object.

HetznerCloudClient hetznerCloudClient = new HetznerCloudClient("ApiKey");

long volumeId = 100051904;

// Get
Volume volume = await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Get(volumeId);

Update a Volume

Updates the Volume properties.

HetznerCloudClient hetznerCloudClient = new HetznerCloudClient("ApiKey");

// Get
Volume volume = await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Get(100051904);

// Change name
volume.Name = "new-name";

// Set
volume = await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Update(volume);

Delete a Volume

Deletes a volume. All Volume data is irreversibly destroyed. The Volume must not be attached to a Server and it must not have delete protection enabled.

HetznerCloudClient hetznerCloudClient = new HetznerCloudClient("ApiKey");

// Get
Volume volume = await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Get(100051904);

// You can delete it by passing the Volume as a parameter
await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Delete(volume);

// You can also delete it by passing the Volume ID as a parameter.
await hetznerCloudClient.Volume.Delete(100051904);


    "volume": {
        "created": "2023-11-05T14:36:19Z",
        "format": "ext4",
        "id": 100056342,
        "labels": {},
        "linux_device": "/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-0HC_Volume_100056342",
        "location": {
            "city": "Ashburn, VA",
            "country": "US",
            "description": "Ashburn, VA",
            "id": 4,
            "latitude": 39.045821,
            "longitude": -77.487073,
            "name": "ash",
            "network_zone": "us-east"
        "name": "volume-ash-1",
        "protection": {
            "delete": false
        "server": 38976603,
        "size": 101,
        "status": "available"

Last updated